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  • A safe place to turn
    A compassionate ear to listen
    A courageous voice to speak out

    Koleinu SA protects our community from abuse by supporting victims, raising awareness, educating the public, and advocating for meaningful change.


It can be frightening to talk about abuse.

Not talking about it is even more frightening.

​It’s easier to ignore abuse.
To tell ourselves it’s not our problem.
That it doesn’t happen in our community.

The truth: abuse happens.

Avoiding it allows abuse to flourish.
It forces victims to suffer in shame and silence.
It enables perpetrators to continue without consequences.

We’re here to change the story.

Koleinu stands up against abuse today to create a safer tomorrow.

We provide emotional support & practical guidance to victims of abuse and work to change the underlying issues that allow abuse to occur in the first place.

Koleinu is a registered Section 18A PBO.

Who We Work With

We work closely with the following local and international organisations

A united community is a safe community. By joining forces with other community organizations, leaders & professionals, we ensure effective measures are taken and appropriate support is put in place.

Our Goals

Tackling abuse from every angle, Koleinu endeavours to make sure every person, institution and communal space is safe

Victim Support

We provide victims of abuse and their families with emotional support and practical guidance. With an extensive understanding of the complex nature of abuse, we offer informed insights and direction,

Abuse Prevention

We help prevent incidents of abuse through education, workshops and training. We teach children, parents, leaders, and organizations how to recognize and prevent abuse.


We advocate for change in how our community responds to and proactively prevents abuse. We work with leaders and community organizations to encourage lasting change.

Supporting victims with compassion.


Children participate annually in SchoolSafe training


Calls to our hotline answered


Hours of listening, guidance & counselling

Confronting abuse with strength.


Professionals trained in abuse prevention & awareness


Parents trained on prevention of child sexual abuse


Rabbis trained in abuse prevention

Raising awareness with courage.


Media appearances


Community events held


Ongoing cases we currently support

Supporting victims with compassion.

Confronting abuse with strength.

Raising awareness with courage.

Our Services

Child and Parent Education

Professional training

Policy Design and Implementation

Activism and Awareness


Bringing the highest standards of abuse treatment, education and prevention to our community

Endorsed by:

  • Dr Pelcovitz - Professor Yeshiva University.

  • Shana Aaronson - Magen, Israel Child Protection Agency.

  • Luke Lamprecht - Child Protection and Development Specialist.

  • Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein - Union of Orthodox Synagogues SA.

  • Rabbi YY Jacobson - Internationally Acclaimed Rabbi and Speaker.

  • Rabbi Auerbach - Head of Ohr Somayach SA.

Trained & Advised by:

  • Debbie Gross - Director of Tahel - Crisis Centre for Religious Women Jerusalem.

  • Deborah Blackman - Director of Educare, Australia.

  • Luke Lamprecht - Child Protection and Development Specialist.

  • Dr Efrat Wald - Teddy Bear Clinic.

  • Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz - Yeshiva Darchei Noam of Monsey, and Director of Bright Beginnings.

  • Debbie Fox - Magen Yeladim, Child Safety Organisation USA.

  • Rabbi Union - Judge on L.A. Rabbinical Court, Masters in Psychology.

“One of the most carefully designed and professional abuse prevention programs I have encountered in 40 years”

- Dr David Pelcovitz
Professor, Straus Chair In Jewish Education, Yeshiva University

Koleinu SA is proud to have been nominated for The ABSA Jewish Achievers Award - Women in Leadership

What They're Saying

Every voice counts

Your support will help change tomorrow’s story.